

俚语 s.c.r (sub-conscience crotch rubbing)

S.C.R (Sub-conscience Crotch Rubbing)

The act of rubbing ones crotch without even realising one is doing so.

It may be done in a variety of situations that are not slightly arousing to even the most average, psychologically balanced individual

It is done sub-consciencly when the brain finds itself inactive with nothing to do.
Fiddling with your genitals while doing something mundane and inane such as:
- Mid conversation with a casual acquaintance
- Queing in the bank to withdraw money,
- Confessing in church
- Collecting your child from preschool

S.C.R (Sub-conscience Crotch Rubbing) is not a serious psychological ailment but it can lead to distress and situations of awkwardness and sexual embarassment




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:33:42