

俚语 scutt's


An unbelievable british pov cunt, can be used as an advective or a noun.
See that guy over there, how scutt, that guy over there... hes a scutt.


Information gathered from scuttlebutt.
Hey, I saw you to talking to the boss - what is the scutts on the lay-offs?


A person who is into cougars and has quite possibly the worst bowl cut in humanity. Any Scutt person can have some attraction to men and has dealt with incest fantasies in the past. Scutt's are also scabs, they will scab your money so they can pay for a new chop at a barber rather than a bowl.
Hey, look it's a Scutt, that chop is worse than my first pubic trim, gruesome and fowl, absolute faggot


to tell say something to someone that would be funny, not something funny that actually happened, just a random possible humorous circumstance
"It would be so funny if an asian lady were right next to you when u said that" -- this would be a scutt


When a person makes a very stupid joke or does something extremely challenged
*Person* Hey, your mom
*Other Person* Nice one, Scutt


(noun)a scummy, slutty, skank.

1.) "I don't know why she keeps calling herself classy, she's such a scutt."

2.) "Ew, did you see that scutty outfit?"

Pull a Scutt

To do something that resembles in any way being a freshman. This can range from not getting our jokes about the Roberts(chem), or just acting like a freshman and saying "hater".

see also:
Pull a Kreiger
Read on to see people pull a Scutt:

"you best be yall mothers"

"yo, where's my calculator?!?"

"Docta caps, I love a-mir"




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