

俚语 seabassed


A person who is always off there tits on something usually red wine. A person who is seabassed often thinks they are a comedian and has an addiction to posting videos online.
Wow that dude is proper seabassed !!


The best nickname anyone on the planet could ever be called.
Guy 1:Hey man, did you see that cool guy?

Guy2:Yeah, he reminds me of a Seabass.


Nickname for someone named Sebastian.
Yo, Seabass!

My best friend is named Sebastian but we call him seabass for short.


When a person assumes that someone who's less than attractive (as per beauty standards) is catfishing them, therefore creating a very confusing compliment.
"George is totally seabassing me, there is no way that lovely pizza faced gremlin can be an actual person, he's so dreamy!"


Hypnotic vodka + Cactus cooler

a delicious mixture of an alcoholic beverage with an old school soda favorite discovered in 2008 by a 17 year old named Sebastian who was in a garage drunk with a lot of friends.

Hey Im not as think as you drunk i am, another seabass please!


A word commonly used to describe someone who has a crush way out of his league.
Guy 1: I like Amanda
Guy 2: But you're a 1 and shes a 10
Guy 2: You’re such a seabass


a boy who likes shrek. anyone who has is name is a fucking chad. also known as an all star, he can be heavily attracted to redheads who are princesses, and loves donkeys. he has every girl attracted to him. also his best friend is probably named baylen or something
man. seabass is the real Benítez




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:54:31