

俚语 search google or type url

Search Google or type URL

Search google or type URL is something you type when your life is going nowhere and you have so little going on that you have to type something so worthless. It might also be typed when someone is really bored and on the verge of crossing the plane of existence into a infinite pit of boredom.
Today I was bored and add Search Google or type URL to Urban Dictionary

Search Google or type URL

Boredom at its finest.
1: Today, I typed 'Search Google or type URL' into Google.
2: Damn man, you must be going through prime boredom...

Search Google or type URL

If you are searching this congrats! You are officially bored.
Guy 1: Im so fricking bored
Guy 2: Have you ever googled Search Google or type URL?
Guy 1: Uhhh no?
Guy 2: Then shut it you arent really bored

Search Google or type URL

Something you type when you're so bored in class and there's nothing else to do.
Side effects include: typing the entire alphabet, forwards and backwards.
"Man class was SO boring today!" said boy1.
"Yeah, tell me about. I wrote Search Google or type URL in Google's 'search google or type url' bar." said boy2.
"You sunk low, ngl." said boy1.

Search Google or type URL

Hey man, congrats ya made it to math class. bored out of your mind?

well you are, you googled this and well got here so now what
here ́s the part when you decide to do something with your life.

Search google or type URL

dang.... only one explanation

search google or type URL

srsly!? You are so boring. Super generic, you are most likely sitting in class bored and on the computer. You don't know what to search so you search "search google or type URL." whelp, this is what you got. bye!
search google or type URL is what u do when u r bored

Search google or type url

Search google or type url




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:55:59