

俚语 seat-sniffer

Seat sniffer

A person (usually a male) who sniffs people's seats to seek pleasure from the smell.
I come in after hours last night and found David being a seat sniffer and smelling the attractive female colleagues chair.


A middle-aged man who pervs over young girls.

seat sniffer

Synonymous with: ass-kisser, dickweed, pendejo. (among others)
Why does Beauregard insist on being such a seat-sniffer?

bicycle seat sniffer

A prison term for a pedophile.
I'm room mates with another parolee and he never shuts the fuck up. He's a little off. I think he might be a bicycle seat sniffer.

jump seat sniffer

1.A creepy guy who has a thing for "stews" also known as flight attendants,female variety. He is usually remarkable for his porn mustache and clothing chiefly made from petroleum-based material.
2.A loathsome creature most often found on aircraft headed for all-inclusive resorts.
Flight Attendant to colleague: "Watch out for the skeevy guy in 25C near the lav- What a jump seat sniffer!"

jump seat skeevy passenger stewardess flight attendant
repugnant porn mustache




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