Secret Lovers
2 people who are having intimate relations but keeping it out of the eye of the public. Your secret lover is the person you are having relations with but not letting your friends find out about.
ex: Until discovered Monica and Bill Clinton were secret lovers.
secret lover
some one who is always there four you and you can be through any thing together. you often s there d's for them and you make memmories to never forget every time your together you think no one knows about your relationship but ever one does.
she an amazing secret lover
Secret Lover
A person you are currently having sex with, which you're not supposed to tell anyone, but somehow gets out regardless of who told who.
"Don't tell anyone, but I have a secret lover."
Secret lover
Wen a boy deep down inside secretly loves a girl even if she's dating someone else
Ahem T**** is Kristina's "Secret lover" ;)
Secret Latin Lovers
A White Chick who is having sex with a Latino Lover, who needs to keep it descreet
"Jose and I are so totally Secret Latin Lovers now!"