Sega Pints
A drink containing (at least) 4 shots of Jägermeister in a pint glass and topped up with Red Bull.
The aforementioned pint MUST be downed in one.
The aforementioned pint MUST be downed in one.
Martin: I fancy a Jager Bomb.
Luke: We should do some Jager PINTS!!
Amir: Did you say SEGA PINTS?
Mike: Man - your such a douche!
Amir: (After downing the pint) That my friend - was AWESOME!!!
Luke: We should do some Jager PINTS!!
Amir: Did you say SEGA PINTS?
Mike: Man - your such a douche!
Amir: (After downing the pint) That my friend - was AWESOME!!!