

俚语 sellibutt


Not to be confused with its similar-sounding-but-complete-180-degree-opposite-meaning word, this refers to the act of "peddling your a**" in the hopes of finding one or more willing :buyers".
As a young teenage boy, I was told by my local clergy that if I remained "celibate", I would be "chased" (by girls, I assumed). This never happened, of course --- quite the opposite, in fact --- I suffered extreme boredom and loneliness throughout my teenage years! Most of the local adolescents shunned me, and parents of cute girls never showed me any additional trust over other guys when deciding whether or not to allow me to date their daughters, and so I never got any "additional" dates as a result of my being so "pure and innocent". And all I ever got from the local "sellibutt" chicks was sniffy avoidance and eye-rolling ridicule for my "being such a prude" when I politely declined their repeated offers of sex. I coulda had so much fun all during that time if I'd merely said, "Yes, please --- thank you!" on those occasions.




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