

俚语 sensitive ass

Sensitive ass

One who is willing to spread rumors or throw shade, wether it be true or false. However is incapable of takin a fucken joke, or shade being thrown back. Usually has bitch-like qualities. Sometimes referred to as a females, although both genders are capable of such behavior.
Synonyms: Hypocrite, Hypocritical, Sissy, SuckUp, Bitch or Coward.
Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, wit yo' sensitive ass!!

Sensitive ass bitch

Someone who will gets all in there feelings real quick, will get hella mad, and change emotions really quick this person also will treat you like a friend when it’s just you and him but around other people he’ll act completely different like he’s hella tuff and he thinks being mad and acting hard makes him cool
Anyone named

Gavin Zach Jason and tate is a sensitive ass bitch

Sensitive Ass Bitch

Anyone named Gavin
Man, that sensitive ass bitch is just triggered cause he can't get any pussy

boi shut yo sensitive ass up

A meme originating from a youtube comment.It is displayed with a meme (or stupid)Video above and the sentences below are comments
Person1:This Video is so powerful,im in tears
Person2:boi shut yo sensitive ass up

Person2:nevermind I just cried




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:56:20