

俚语 sessy


1- sexy + sassy
2- too sexy to use the word "sexy"
1- that girl is sessy (shes sexy and has sass)
2- oh man, suchman is so sessy


appeal interesting or attractive... see SEXY
My nig is soo sessy, ima mess his shyt up.


An individual who is not only beautiful on the inside but on the outside as well. One who puts others before themselves and engages in many sacrifices. An individual who is outgoing, crazy, and fun. Someone who is generous and helpful. Most likely has amazing eyes.
That person is so sessy.

That girl is sessy.



An adjective describing the nastiest things, people, or situations possible. It can also be a noun in the form of "ses".
BK's sessy towel under the sink is the birthplace of polio.

Any one from Philadelphia has super sessy toes and teeth. They also usually have a crooked ses-dick.


short handed way of saying ‘obsessed’
can you believe she called him again? i mean, she is totally sessies with chad for literally no reason.

The Sessie

The act of masturbating 7 guys (1 in each hand, 1 in each armpit, 1 in each kneepit, and 1 footsie) all while demolishing 5 double whoppers competitive eating style.
Oh damn, did you see Mason doing the Sessie last night at the bowling alley?! Yeah, his grandma didn't look too impressed but that Channel 13 News guy got mad camera angles on that show!


The best way of saying sexy.

Derives from my friends called MCMCJ and Chelley.
I look so sessi in nothing.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:38:32