

俚语 settled down

settled down

To settle down is to stop being a fuck boy or fuck girl and getting your shit together by taking the next serious step in a relationship
Pepe and Maria have settled down with each other and are now in a serious relationships

settle down

It means to get married or commit to a monogamous relationship; probably the two most indicative words for the situation itself, born of a word that can mean "to move downward; sink, or descend," "to subdue," and "to conclude," and a word that means the "opposite of up."

"Man looks like Lester finally had to settle down and give up the player lifestyle...man, and settle isn't wrong!"

settling down

When you and your nigga/bitch finally come to realization that it's time to stop fucking around and become one
Me and Katy are settling down.

settle down

used in heated situations
when ross is tring to sniff ur missus biffon,
you say "come on , settle down"

settle down

verb. seh-tul down - 1) to stop knocking some one's fork on the floor especially at a cracker barrel. 2) to stop laughing uncontrollably to the point of endangering people within the area.
"Colleen will you please settle down. My fork has hit the ground 6 times already!"

Settle Down, Beavis

Spoken by Butthead to Beavis when he gets all crazy and stuff. Can be used to calm down anyone who's ranting.
"Fuck this, im gonna fuck the shit out of her!!"

"Settle down, Beavis"

settle down kids

easily one of the best collab channels on youtube, consisting of joey gatto, josh sobo, jonah green (aka god), adam & nick buongiovanni (twins), ryan abe, and joe santagato. Abbreviated SDK (not to be confused with software development kits which is what comes up when you search sdk indirects on twitter)
look for a new settle down kids vlog up every weekday 'cept sunday!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:12:15