

俚语 sex ass

Sex Ass

1.(n) An attractive or sexually appealing buttocks.
2.(n) A person's anus that is especially pleasurable when partaking in anal intercourse.
1. "That girl has a good sex ass!"
2. "That was a great sex ass."

full sex ass

in pronuncation seems like "full success" , but means the same via the size of the ass
- Gina became lead manager of the project
- Wow! I am suprised, she have no any degree at all!
- But she is full SEX ASS!
Gina's entering ans ask:
- What about my ass talking?
- NO,Gina, I've meant "full success"
- Ahh,))))sorryy))))

ass sex

to insert a penis into the ass
Hey Bob, did you have ass sex with her?

freaky ass sex

Professional porn. Sex that is considered to be so great, that it should be made into adult entertainment. See that is freakayyyyy
OMG we had freaky ass sex last night and it was AMAZING!!!!


Main Entry: ass-sex-junk·ie

Pronunciation: 'as-'seks-'j&ng-kE

Function: noun

Date: 21st century

: a) a person who derives inordinate pleasure from or who is dependent on ass-sex. b) an individual addicted to giving or receiving anal sex. c) one who likes hot-hot-poll in their tight-tight-hole, especially the rectum. d) as if they were a narcotics addict, only their drug of choice is the sweet, sweet Hershey highway.
She's not a butt-slut, she's just an ass-sex-junkie and likes anal pleasure.

barbarian ass sex

To have sex in the anus in a barbaric manor.
Barbian ass sex is awesome.

Any body want some barbarian ass sex.

Man barbarian ass sex looses me up and gets me in the mood.

barbarian ass sex

Three words "Conan the Barbarian"
Man Conan throws down some mean barbarian ass sex




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