

俚语 sex messaging

sex messaging

Sending a text message with the sole purpose of gettin' some. a.k.a. The new booty call.
"Dude, it's 3 am, you're at a bar and you're wasted. Who are you texting?" "Bro, I'm sex messaging the bartender at Julep. She's coming over later."

sex message

A message sent on myspace, an email, text message, aim, ect. that has sexual content. Usually sent from a male who has sexual feelings for a female.
ryan12: Hey wats up?
ryan12: nmj jacking off to you myspace picture.
clair85: wtf CREEP!!!
ryan12: I lov the one where your in a bathing suit and you can kinda see your nipple. DAMNNN!!!
( clair12 has blocked you from her buddy list.)

later that day...
Clair: OMG Ryan sent me the grosest sex message today!!
Julie: OMG! what a perv!

sex message

a text message that is sexual and is usually intended to get a sexual response
dude, stop sending sex messages your girl friend when im here, thats for your privite time only!

subliminal sex message

A sly underhanded satanic gesture spawned by women and rarely picked up by guys, who are too busy looking at their boobs to interpret anything they are saying.
Omg, so I was crazy horny and my vag was super thirsty, so I went around to all the guys at work and made every possible subliminal sex message I could think of, and no one showed up at my house later that night! So, I had no choice but to revert to overt sex messages and wear a bikini top to work the next day AND ONLY THEN everyone showed up at my house (even the boss!!) and we had an amazing orgy. Guys these days!, omg!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:55:32