

俚语 sex oven

Sex oven

A hot womans steamy, smoking vagina.
Hey baby,I'd like to put my pork roast in your sex oven.

sex in oven

when you have sex in an oven
you wanna have sex in oven tonight? it's really nice

Dutch Oven Sex

When your pussy is so stanky that you have to keep the covers closed tight to prevent the smell from escaping.

You can touch, but you can’t see. 😎
Yesterday morning I had Dutch oven sex because my pussy was so stinky I couldn’t let it it out of the covers.

Oven sex

oven sex is when one cranks up the heat on the oven and shoves a douche up their ass and leaves then sits on the oven for hours and melts the douche after. A while after that they go to the family doctor and gets him to pull out a weeks load of shit and it goes all in his mouth
Frank: honey, are you alright do we need to see billy (family doctor)
Malinda: yes sweetie, I did a oven sex before

Oven sex

oven sex is when you crank up the heat on the oven and you get a douche (lubed up) and you leave it in there for the douche to melt and you get your doctor to pull it out and you shit everywhere.
Lady: oh no, I’m about to have oven sex




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