an internet cookie which is automatically implanted on your computer terminal whenever you surf a porn site. While beneficial to you if you habitually surf such sites, it becomes a problem if you don't want others to know where you've been. A very benign program, and easy to remove.
Nickarossi: "I got busted yesterday when the wife found sextracker on our computer."
Chachi: "You mulked up ho! Sextracker is so easy to get rid of!"
Chachi: "You mulked up ho! Sextracker is so easy to get rid of!"
A sextrack is a a playlist of music meant to be played during sexual activity. The use of sextracks are typically used by those who do not want to use movies or other forms of background audio.
Jason: Want to have Shrek play in the background while we do it?
Abby: No, let’s use a Sextrack instead!
Abby: No, let’s use a Sextrack instead!