Used to describe something so sexy that you decided to invent a rediculous word to describe its sexyness
Shit that was the most sexulous pizza lunchable i ever had.
'Sexulator' means 'sex machine' (hence the -ulator ending: calculator = machine) or just 'sexy' in general.
'Sexualtor' can also be a synonym for 'sex you later', meaning I'd like to have sex with you later.
'Sexualtor' can also be a synonym for 'sex you later', meaning I'd like to have sex with you later.
"You sexulator, you!" = You sexy thing! / You sex machine
A word to describe something as looking sexy and cool
That poster looks well sexulated.
That girl is looking well sexulated.
That girl is looking well sexulated.
An adjective used to describe someone or something that is as sexually attractive as chocolate is sweet. Used more commonly in formal settings between close friends.
"That female next to the bar is the most sexulent girl in here tonight..."
able to put you in the mood
sexy as they come--
a moment you will always remember (atleast in your pants)
sexy as they come--
a moment you will always remember (atleast in your pants)
wooff was she a sexualant
good, exellent effort
that is a sexulant ball, mate
The art of flatulence during coitus.
You know, farting during fuck sessions.
You know, farting during fuck sessions.
I was eating out and i got a mouth full of sexulence.