

俚语 sex zombie

Sex Zombie

A zombie that will obey you and provide any sexual favors you require. Essentially a mindless sex slave. Jeffrey Dahmer tried to create a sex zombie by drilling holes in his victims skulls and pouring battery acid onto their brains in order to destroy their free will
"According to Professor Harvey, Jefferey Dahmer poured acid into his victims brains. I guess he was trying to make some kinda... sex zombie or something... I don't know."

Sex zombie

1) Someone who is bored and isn't really interested in sex,
2) Someone who has no strength or energy during sex,
3) Someone who is ill during sex.
"Dude, I has sex with that girl, and she was such a sex zombie..."

sex zombie

A person who walks around like a dead person thinking about having sex... all day. May exhibit zombie-like qualities such as a blank stare and or grunting at people and inanimate objects.
Charlie Sheen is a sex zombie.

zombie sex

Sex with a zombie.

When presented with a fairly fresh zombie that still has attractive characteristics, the concept of sex with said zombie occurs to you and, depending on circumstances, may become reality.

When the zombie apocalypse comes, many people will have a wagonful of zombies held captive for just this purpose, and likely be prepared to kill living people just so they can have zombie sex with them.
Dude 1: Stacey is so hot, her bod is super sweet.

Dude 2: Forget it dude, the only way you'll ever fuck her is zombie sex.

Zombie sex

The act of screwing somebody's brains out.
That Zombie sex was so amazing, I've lost all my brain cells.

zombie sex

When you and your partner both wake up in the middle of the night, and proceed to have sex. But you are soo tired it's very slow and mindless. Like a zombie.
Sometimes you may wake up and wonder if you actually had sex or not.
My girlfriend and I woke each other up and just started having zombie sex. It was so cool.
My fuck buddy slept over last night and then at some point in the middle of the night we both woke up so we just rolled over for some zombie sex.

Zombie Sex

1.Dirty, kinky, masochistic sex with someone you love.


2.Masochistic sex between a human and zombie, which usually ends with one of them dead.
1. Jon and Leya had Zombie Sex by having sex and biting one another until they bled.
2. The zombie and Kat had Zombie Sex and afterwards Kat shot him in the head before he could eat her brains.




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