Kevin Aka Shad0wstyle A Really Great Guy With A Cool Personality Also Famous Youtuber,League Of Legends Zed Main Known For His Insane Zed Mechanics
Whos Shad0wstyle?
Shad0wstyle Aka Kevin A Guy With A Great Personality Also A Famous Youtuber League Of Legends Zed Main Known For His Insane Zed Mechaines
Best Zed Euw, this guy can destroy anyone in a fair 1v1
Shad0wStyle can also be used as a definiton for fast, accurate and insane plays
Shad0wStyle can also be used as a definiton for fast, accurate and insane plays
Dude this play was like shad0wstyle
famouse youtuber that plays Zed, some say he has the cleanest Zed playstyle the world has ever seen.
His channel Zed Phobia was promoted by alot of famouse You Tuber (for example Ll Stylish)
Some People see him as a Zed God with his insane accurate and fast plays. Some even use his name as a slang for clean plays
His channel Zed Phobia was promoted by alot of famouse You Tuber (for example Ll Stylish)
Some People see him as a Zed God with his insane accurate and fast plays. Some even use his name as a slang for clean plays
dude that was so clean, people could think i am shad0wstyle .
I am Shad0wstyling them.
I am Shad0wstyling them.