

俚语 shaderize


A common practice in Law Enforcement where an Officer needlessly builds up his case to impress his colleagues.
The detective loved to Shaderize his/her cases to impress his/her supervisors.


Someone who is intentionally “shady” ie. Telling lies, acting dodgy or acting fake,
Yo Archie did you see Jack yesterday ? “Yeah bro he’s a proper shader”


You just used the bathroom and you left a little something behind that the first flush didn't get. You don't want to waste water by flushing again, so you tear off a couple pieces of toilet paper and drop it on top of the water to hide your contributions. This is called a shader.
Wow, after that lunch I had to leave a shader.


That man's a skater Shader


The opposite of a freshy
Someone whose origins are non-English however their behaviour is whiter than White people
Look at that shader sipping his tea, eating his cucumber sandwiches, smoking his cigar, watching Eastenders

minecraft shaders

something your pc cant handle
friend 1: "yo i downloaded some realistic minecraft shaders"
friend 2: "well how did it go"
friend 1: "my pc exploded and burned down my house. i am now homeless. send help please.
friend 2: "ahahah that was a funny joke"
friend 1: "what the fuck"

night shader

a person that feels the need to wear thier shades all hours, in order to look cool, mysterious or an agent.
guy- "what's up night shader?"
night shader- "whatever it's bright up in this"
guy- "bullshit it's midnight"




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