

俚语 bedane


Egyptian slang for lame, boring, and annoying.
"enta bedan leh?" translation "why are you so annoying?"
"batal bedan" translation "stop being lame"


Bedan is an Egyptian slang that means testicles, also used as an adjective which refers to something or someone being annoying or unfunny (can be used as a verb too)
A: hey do you want to hear a joke.

B: sure as long as the joke wasn't bedan.

A: Alright, do you know why lights in Lebanon hate schools... Because they always went out.

B: dude, you are very bedan.


Used by Egyptians to describe an annoying person or someone that thinks they’re funny but actually isn’t.
Kiki: “this guy is so bedan”
Shay: “yea he always cracks some lame jokes”


A very chill and handsome guy that cares for his girl no matter what and never turn on his friends
Never let go of a bedan


It's an Egyptian slang means " cold-blooded" and "jerk"
Friend bedan: hey , i ate all of your shawrma sandwich

Malik: wtf ?! You're Bedan


He is a very funny guy who loves dancing on the streets and crying in the shower. He enjoys eating weird food and smelling them. He has a kind heart and he loves helping everyone. He is very talented with girls.
Ladies and gentlemen, you either be a bedane or you lose.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:06:37