A charismatic & highly intelligent minecraft server owner who is fluent in 48+ programming languages; also known to have coded the entire Federal database in one night with no snack or piss breaks. The all-around great guy your father wishes you would marry.
"Bro this computer class is as hard as my last divorce, really wish I had a Shadow166 here to help me with it"
I say the n-word.
Shadow166 did you just say nigger.
The definition of Gay
Omg! I didnt know you were Shadow166
A charismatic & smart minecraft server owner who is fluent in 69+ programming languages; also known to have coded Black Ops 2 overnight with no piss breaks or blinks.
OMG guys its Shadow166,lets spam his DMs and beg him for free stuff! Can I please have 100,000,000 ED kits!!!
Shadow166 is someone who says the n-word.
Shadow166 why did you say the n-word.