

俚语 be de


A very sexy man. To be called Bede by anyone, whether or not it's your name, is one of the highest honours a man can get.
Girl 1: look at that guy over there.
Girl 2: oh my! I bet his name is Bede!
Girl 1: he's definitely a Bede.


Bede is the fattest guy you will ever meet. He has no necks whatsoever and eats food all the time. He is smart and can name every restaurant in the whole world. Also known as gay in Viatnamese.
Bede blocked the airplane exit.


Is a bitch and gets salty very easily. He is jealous of whoever is better than him. But we all need a bede in our life. He is so sexy and only has eyes for one sheila. This sheila is loved by everyone and is very popular. He will fight anyone who is mean to her and block them on all social media!
Girl; i love bede he is my hero


Bede (originaly a Pokemon sword/shield Charakter) describes someone or something thats either arrogant or stubborn
Holy shit that guy is bede!


a dog that exceeds the normal level of cuteness

source: the drowe bible
that is one cute bede.


The act of being nestled cozy in bed, drunk or not.
Guy 1: where in the world is wesley?

Girl 1: wesley's passed out beded.


a indoor soccer keeper at springvale
"hey dodo whats with your nose"
"shuttup bede"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:14:02