

俚语 shalk


to refer to something in a positive manner
dude your watch is soo shalk
man your pizza tasted so shalk


When you're on your laptop or phone while on the toilet.
lit. Shitting and talking.
I was shalking to her the other night while I was on the toilet.

Cell Shalked

When you are in a public restroom and the person next to you is shitting and talking on their cell phone. When you are cell shalked, you feel uncomfortable, distressed and traumatized.
Dude, I got cell shalked when I went in to use the restroom, you'd think people could put down the phone and take a dump in peace, talk about traumatic.


Utilizing a combination of two words, shit and talk, a shalk is a conversation held between two individuals, while taking shits, between two stalls.
Henry and Bill had a long shalk during halftime of the Jets game.




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