

俚语 shark attacking

shark attacking

When a man is erect and bends backwards on all fours and walks around with his "dorsal phin" in the air. "You may make noises while doing so". It can be done alone but preferred you have a partner to chase around.
Last night my boyfriend started shark attacking me. He wasn't fully erect so it looked more like Free Willy's fin.

shark attacking

“Shark Attacking” involves a nude, sexually-excited man bending over backwards on all fours and walking around with his dorsal fin gliding through the air. There’s no payoff. He’s just a shark now. (Making noises is recommended to enhance the fun. Can be done alone, but preferably in the presence of a partner.)
Dude you should try "shark attacking" it will spice up your sex life, or at least make your girlfriend laugh.

shark attack

Right before you have sex have the girl lay down on the bed, preferably naked, then u crab walk from the edge of the bed up to her with ur boner in the air like a sharks dorsal fin...sound effects are not necessary but always appreciated
Ben: When have you ever done a shark attack?
Sock: Uh let me think, every time ive had sex ever

Shark Attack

A Sexual prank where you pool the front of a woman's strapless dress or shirt down, exposing her breasts in the process in front of people. Also known as getting "Sharked".
"Wow, that was an amazing Shark Attack, right as she was accepting the award Alex Sharked her."

shark attack

Engaging in sexual intercourse in a body of water (such as a pool) while a woman is on her period.
dateline: los angeles, thousands of pools run red with uterine blood as people all over the city practice the deviant sexual practice known as the "shark attack"

shark attack

it's like getting caught off guard by a bus with teeth
"there was a shark attack at the beach last week"

Shark Attack

A term used to reference somebody who is very intoxicated or hungover that is experiencing explosive diarrhea while projectile vomiting uncontrollably. Derived from a shark exploding out of the water.
"Yo, there is shit and throw up all over the floor in the bathroom.... WTF?!"

"Yeah, that girl who was blacked out had a shark attack bro, absolutely disgusting"




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