

俚语 sharkin'


Sharkin (verb) - to knowingly flirt with a person who has a significant other while the significant other is not present, in an attempt to have sexual relations or get the couple to break up.
Person 1: Bro, you need to keep an eye on Jenny.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: She was at that party with Tom and he was totally sharkin on her.

Billy: hey man are we heading to that girls house?

Chad: Yea but they both have boyfriends.

Billy: are their boyfriends going to be there?

Chad: nope...Fuck it...looks like we're sharkin tonight.

Sharkin it

The act of immediately leaving an area without delay.
Peace out bucket 6, Im sharkin it.

Sharkin it

The act of immediately leaving an area without delay.
Peace out bucket 6, Im sharkin it.


1) good, awesome, retarded, bad, not good, etc.

2) retty much just retarded language
1) person 1: maaan, did you catch the game last night?

person 2: yeah man, pretty sharkin'

2) Rahman: hey you okay buddy?

Jason: NOOO man, im sharkin'


1.When you are so high and you're weaving in out of time, then you snap out of it wonder what happened. then repeat.

2.When some dude gives you ganja concentrated treats and you "don't know how to act."

3.Being way too high basically....
Dude bro.... This ganja icing is so good. I've been sharkin' for hours duuuude. I'm about to go shark, cha!


The act of half-rolled down front-passenger windows on a car made to look like the back-fin of a shark.
Audi: Nice sharkin' windows, I too have some pretty slick fins.
Toyota: Nah man. You gotta have windows like these sharkin' glossies.

Sharkin' Around

this is slang for lesbians who cruise for hot ladies.
amy ray was sharkin' around last night at the Town House.




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