

俚语 shawnothy


An amazing sort of person that can really make you smile even when your not having a super-sunny day. A shawnothy has a real great sense of humor and is like an air freshener to people. Not only are shawnothies funny, but their also very caring sort of people that will always help out a friend. Those that are lucky enough to be close to one will be blessed with many benevolent and generous acts from one. Being in a relationship with one is heavenly and beyond describing as they are so very lovable and loving.

Personality wise shawnothies are great but they also have really cutting edge senses of style from their hair to their shoes and always look their best. Definitely eye-catchers.
Girl 1: Did you just see that gorgeous guy with that awesome jacket just now?

Girl 2: Yeah, I just saw him help up a girl who tripped on those stairs.

Girl 1: Oh he's so nice! He must be a shawnothy!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:15:11