

俚语 beecher


1. a sexual procedure wherein a man's penis becomes inverted after a sex change to become a vagina. Also known as "the dugout canoe" procedure.
2. the slang word for the medical procedure of micropenis.

Person 1: So I just learned my ex-boyfriend got a sex change.
Person 2: Eww. Was he the one with a beecher of a penis?
Person 1: Yeah, but the funny thing is, he decided to get his beecher beechered!


jeeves (one who knows everything)
as in www.askjeeves.com


a section of Flint, MI. once a booming GM town, now just another ghetto.
Beecher is not a place I would drive through at night


Fucked in the ass, and made into a prison sex slave. Originated from the character Tobias Beecher in HBO's series, OZ.
As soon as Bill got there, Mike beechered him. Now Bill belongs to Mike, and has to do whatever Mike says for fear of getting stabbed.


A person who perseveres through all the tuff times and is made fun of but also I cherish by their closest friends
Beecher was made fun of


A person who perseveres through all the tuff times and is made fun of but also I cherish by their closest friends
Beecher was made fun of

Tobias Beecher

1)Noun:character played by Lee Tergesen on HBO show Oz.

Arrives in Oz and is made into the bitch of Aryan Brotherhood leader Vern Schillinger who rapes him, makes him lick his boots clean and eat paper.

Beecher then goes insane and does all kinds of productive things such as growing a wack beard,blinding Schillinger,kicking him in the balls before shitting on his face and biting the cock of a would be rapist.

2)adjective-a weak little wiener who goes crazy and kicks the crap out of everyone
yo, that little kid kneed the balls of the guy bullying him. He's such a Tobias Beecher




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:30:42