

俚语 bee-doo

Bee Doo

(Noun) The sound that discord makes when you disconnect.

(Interjection) See: "Goodbye."
B: "GN man, bee doo."
A: "Bee doo, buddy."


English hottie from the Hemel- Hempstead area
That Bee-Boo is fit!

doo bee doo

Sound made by bored people to fill silence.
Mostly in textual communication, but sometimes in verbal.

Originates from people whistling or singing a little tune when idle.
personone: Doo bee doo
persontwo: hum dee dum
personthree: lah dee dah

loo bee doo

A word used to encourage conversation when the natural flow has stopped.
Once a conversation is slowly grinding to a halt, simply say "loo bee doo" to get the conversation flowing again.

bee bop a doo

something jim started a while back, it has caught on in a select group of friends. it is usually used in a random way, and expresses excitement.
""bee bop a doo were goin to fukin smoke up"




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