

俚语 sheet rock

sheet rock

a term coined in rap/hip hop music alluding to ether cocaine or crack powder.
"we push street sheet rock, that zip-lock ready rock"

Sheet Rocked

When you fuck somebody between to angles of the Sheetrock
Holy fuck I just Sheet rocked Jamie last night

sheet rocked

To drink so heavily that describing the alcoholic as "being plastered" just won't cut it.
Bro, did you SEE the liquor lineup tonight? Oh, man, I'm gonna get fuckin' sheet rocked!

Sheet Rocking

Really good sex.
I met this chick and we were sheet rocking all night long!

Sheet rock Angel

The end result of any physical altercation involving a huge moron named Ed, a fellow employee, and a sheet rocked wall.
STFU Noob, say one more thing to me and I will make you a Sheet Rock Angel.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:07:33