

俚语 beefcaked


An attractive man with well developed muscles.
Matt lidonni from the supper club is such a beefcake!


1. Somebody really ripped and muscular. Usu. male.
2. Used ironically to describe somebody extremely overweight. Popularized by an early episode of South Park in which Cartman drinks weight gain formula and gets really huge.
3. A cake made of meat. Almost always beef.
Beefcake. BEEFCAKE!!!


a strong, sexy man
Stuart is such a beefcake.


Term used to refer to buff/ripped males. Beefcakes are usually good-looking and enjoy displaying their muscles to the masses.
I wanna get me some beefcake!


1. v. Pumping iron until the vein in your forehead throbs like a fire alarm

2. v. ridiculous posing in the 'beefcake bar' in the gym whilst not actually doing any exercise. See also - flexing, poncing, homoerotic posturing.
"Did you see Bertie beefcaking all evening by the bench the other day?"


A person, usually of stocky build, that frequently talks about working out and strength.
Beefcake: "Want to arm wrestle?"
Normal Person: "No, that's okay, I'm here to have fun."


A large and muscular man who enjoys hockey, football, and other sports. He also enjoys eating. The typical beefcake is not the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact he is rather dumb.
"Check out the bootie on that beefcake"

"That beefcake justr ate my ice cream"

"That beefcake just ate my chicken"

"That beefcake just ate my broccoli"

"That beefcake just ate my leg"

"That beefcake just ate my babies"

"That beefcake just ate that beefcake"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:51:24