Condition of having an insatiable urge to play pranks,jokes, or evil and malicious acts on others.
Bob awoke today with shenaniganitis and proceeded to plot evil malicious deeds.
Fiesty fun with jokes & rowdy behavior.
I can just tell that shenanigans will occur tonight.
n. Informal
a. A deceitful trick; an underhanded act.
b. Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. Often used in the plural.
a. A playful or mischievous act; a prank.
b. Mischief; prankishness. Often used in the plural.
a. A deceitful trick; an underhanded act.
b. Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. Often used in the plural.
a. A playful or mischievous act; a prank.
b. Mischief; prankishness. Often used in the plural.
Stop your shenanigans! Retighten the lids on those salt and pepper shakers!
When a normal and/or serious coversation or message board thread becomes overrun and distorted by silliness and general tomfoolery.
"You are witnessing the shenaniganization of another thread."
Deception or tomfoolery on the part of carnival stand operators.
"Officer Barbrady, I call shenanigans!"
1. Silly Business
Gat durn it you hooligans! Stop with the shenanigans!
Used as an interjection, "Shenanigans!" denotes a person or event suspect of unscrupulous or dishonest conduct. If one believes they bear witness to such an occurrence, they should immediately call "shenanigans!" to draw attention to it.
There's no way he could have done that by himself...I call shenanigans!