

俚语 shenging it

Shenging it

To loudly have sex with your girlfriend (to include spanking and moaning) while a large crowd is forced to listen
OD...He's Shenging it again with that girl!


Short for shengas. Usually relates to something that you don't particularly like or agree with.
"That tastes sheng.." or "Peter's got drunk again-absolute sheng!"

The Sheng

When you have a slight chance and ask a girl out on a date to read books but she ignores you.
Man I tried the Sheng on a girl last night and it didn’t work.

Bro you gotta stop trying the Sheng.


Kenyan slang- mix of swahili and english.... really cool if u understand what the hell they're saying
What the fuck did he say??
Don't worry about it- it's sheng!!


1. Sex God: One who excels in sexiness.
Woman: Damn that Sheng! why is he so hot! *pant pant*


A very negative word used casually to show how attracted you are to something/someone - The Opposite of Peng
Logan Paul's hairline is sheng
How sheng was youtube rewind?


A Chinese mouth organ with vertical pipes.
"Look at Bill play that sheng!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:56:55