

俚语 beef knuckles

Beef Knuckles

When a girl has her pants pulled way up, and you can see the outline of her beef curtain.
Dylan: Did you hear that Hunter fucked Kassie?

Kody: Ewww, she has beef knuckles.

beef knuckle

slang term for boner
I had a beef knuckle in the showers after football

Beef Knuckle

When your balls are stuck in skinny jeans.
Man, I had some serious Beef Knuckle going on in my skinny jeans last night at the show.

beef knuckle beat down

to have sex
Remember that girl from biology class? I totally gave her the ol' beef knuckle beat down.

knuckle beefing

To violently finger fuck a girl or to ultimately become knuckle deep in her vagina while furiously finger fucking.
Dude! I was knuckle beefing that girl from the party last night so hard.


A) To fist an asshole. (verb)
B) something that is unpleasant (noun)
"Dude I gave her some serious knuckle-beef last night"

"Man, that test was some major Knuckle-Beef"




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