

俚语 shiavo


to get so retarded that all you can do is stare at everything with that look on your face... you know, mouth half open, kinda smilin, eyes half open, kinda sleepin, head half back, kinda leanin...
"yo man, Chris got completely Shiavo'd last night"

"I f*ed that bitch so hard... she got shiavo'd"


Verb, To shiavo or get shiavoed is to get so drunk you're incoherrent and - more or less - a vegetable. Comes from the media/government hype after Teri Shiavo's life was fought between congress and her family.
Tonight I'm getting shiavoed and probably passing out in a gutter somewhere.


Adj: someone completely unresponsive; person in a deep state of sleep, or dead person

V: Action lacking motivation or effectiveness
She's been shiavoed out for the past 17 hours, she got crunk last night

She really shiavoed her part, now we have to do all the fucking work.


an eating disorder characterized by episodic uncontrolled binge eating and vomiting
She's so pulling a shiavo in the bathroom.


(adj) sluggishness or other ill-feelings caused by a neglect of food and drink
I was feeling so shiavo while waiting for my novacaine to wear off


The state of drunkenness when one becomes nearly or completely comatose. His or her appearance resembles a child with down syndrome or Terri (from whence the term is derived). Alcohol poisoning often accompanies a person when they get this intoxicated. Black outs and tunnel vision are also related. In order for a person to reach Shiavoed, they must first become: tipsy, drunk, smashed, hammered, plastered then finally shiavoed.
Johnny played powerhour at a bar for 5 hours and became completely shiavoed at the end of the night.


The act of getting ridiculously plowed, resembling the actions of Terry Shiavo throughout her 13 year struggle with minimal to no brain activity.
Im getting real plowed tonight. Oh, so your getting shiavoed? Yes.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:58:06