

俚语 beef patty

beef patty

as in "Jamaican Beef Patty". Yellow on the outside, black on the inside... an individual of asian decent who embraces African American street culture, idioms, and behaviour.
After Fred Suen moved to the Bronx and began hanging out with the black kids in high school he adopted their urban culture and became a beef patty

beef patty

The stage in which your penis is not soft anymore, but not hard either. It's the middleground transitional stage.
"Man that girl is hot!" "Nah, she only gave me a beef patty"

beef patties

large nipples
She has huge nipples! BEEF PATTIES

Cincinnati beef patty

1. The amorphous putty-like shit that sometimes accompanies Natty Splatties.

2. a. The activity of choice in White Trash scat porn. b. The White Trash analog to a Cleveland Steamer.
1. Johnson felt like splurging this weekend. He passed up his usual PBR and Beast Ice and indulged in some high quality Natural Light. After drinking about 30 he passed out next to Tami-Lynn. Upon waking the next morning he felt a rampage in his bowels. Instead of running to the toilet (it was too far) he proceed to turn on his windows 98 & webcam and leave a fresh Cincinnati beef patty on Tami-Lynn's chest. She was pleased. They then sold the cinematic masterpiece to RedTube for about $30, where the video still remains to this day under the "Wild and Crazy" section.

2. Darryl consumed too much natty light last night. Not surprisingly he awoke the next day with the natty splatties. After discharging most of the liquid, he decided to be productive with the rest of the contents of his bowels and leave a nice Cincinnati beef patty on Brandy.

Lancaster Beef Patty

The act during Sex when a male covers his Penis in poop. The male then takes the woman's menstrual exhaust (blood) and covers his Penis with it as well.The man then procedes to stick his Penis between his Female partner's Buttox.
Lauren and Luke went crazy and decided to make a Lancaster Beef Patty.

Jamaican Beef Patty

When two men sandwich a third man's junk between their anuses.
"Dude, last night I heard that Eric got a Jamaican Beef Patty from Dave and Calvin!"

booger shit beef patty

when you swallow so many flem boogers that you shit them out and it makes a brown beef patty looking thing with boogers infested into it .... when you make a booger shit beef patty, the noise is worse then a blowhorn and a train combined a booger shit beef patty smells so bad that if you stand next to it it smells worse then fendis ears mixed with the smell of murna and shazazas doodyyy when hes bleeding from his bUT hole ... beware of the booger shit beef pattyy...




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