

俚语 shiba inu

Shiba Inu

The dog of god. Yells when you don't give them what they want. They will kill you with kindness. Three deaths have been reported from shiba inus killing people with 'kindness'. One, if not the, of the most loyal dogs.
Billy said, "Hey dad, can we get a shiba inu?"

Shiba Inu

A type of dog that originated in Japan. In Japanese the name means "Small dog". The Shiba Inu can have orange, brown, black, and white fur. It also has a curly tail that curls onto it's back.
Jimmy: What's your favourite dog breed?
George: Me, a Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inu

Hillary: Shiba Inu is a bad doggo!
Trump: No shit.

shiba inu

He a cute doggo. So cute he steal yo girl.
bf: I love you girl- aww hell naw-why she leaving with that shiba inu?
gf: You're not floofy enough!
shiba: Doing you a seduce...

shiba inu

A small, agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain, the Shiba Inu was originally bred for hunting.12 It looks similar to and is often mistaken for other Japanese dog breeds like the Akita Inu or Hokkaido, but the Shiba Inu is a different breed with a distinct blood line, temperament and smaller size than other Japanese dog breeds.Are going extinct, in fact you will be lucky to have one in the year 2020
shiba inu Are going bye bye

Danger Shiba Inu

Another name for a dingo because they look like Shiba’s that are fit and can kill you
Person 1: I wanna pat the puppy
Person 2: careful that Danger Shiba inu stole my baby

Shiba inu lab mix

The cutest, sweetest and most caring dog in the word. They will always love you, play with you and snuggle you!
BILLY!! That shiba inu lab mix is my life




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:42:27