According to Jack Black this is the combination between a tiger and a shark.
"Man that shiger is the scariest animal ever"
shiger tarks
Shiger Tarks are Tiger Sharks that are specially made to have whiskers
Dude, That Shiger Tark just bit my surf board!
shiger tarks
a real mixture of a tiger and a shark but not really a tiger shark its almost like a tiger shark flipped around but not so much sharkness
rock your body, shiger tark!
shigsy, shiggsy, shigers, shiggers, shigs
Abbreviation for Shigeru Miyamoto.
- Modern video-gaming usage.
Shigeru Miyamoto is currently employed by the Nintendo Corporation
- Modern video-gaming usage.
Shigeru Miyamoto is currently employed by the Nintendo Corporation
You played Shigsy's latest RPG "Zelda" on the GC? It's very impressive!!!