She is the one true friend who has had your back since forever, it might not have been always clear, even to her at times, but you'll were always more than just acquaintances.
It is only once you accept your friendship with her that you really comprehend to what lengths she can go to bring out the best in you. She is a comfort person for the entire universe at times. The group mom you want to go to and cry even when you get the minorest knife cut.
She might not know it, but she is too selfless at times, and kind of scared of expressing herself to others, she has got to improve for her own sake. It is a fact that EVERYONE else amounts to nothing as long as you don't truly participate in self care, however cheezy or cliche it may sound.
You just have to love her.
It is only once you accept your friendship with her that you really comprehend to what lengths she can go to bring out the best in you. She is a comfort person for the entire universe at times. The group mom you want to go to and cry even when you get the minorest knife cut.
She might not know it, but she is too selfless at times, and kind of scared of expressing herself to others, she has got to improve for her own sake. It is a fact that EVERYONE else amounts to nothing as long as you don't truly participate in self care, however cheezy or cliche it may sound.
You just have to love her.
Hey how is it possible that 15 people have the same mom?
Ig you just met Shikhs.
Ig you just met Shikhs.
A definition of someone which is bad in everything and wouldn't achieve anything good in his life time.
Look at this homeless man,he is such a shikh!