

俚语 shilvock


A person who praises people only for their own personal profit, and dismisses others when it brings them any negative attention.

Only used in the ORAL sense, for WRITTEN forms of this word see Shiltex

Shill (slang)
a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

and Voc (slang)
To do with the voice, voice controlled
Friend 1: 'He's a right glory hunter, only latching onto people to further himself...'
Friend 2: 'Yeah the cunt is a right Shilvock.'

Captain Kirk: 'Spock, tell me about this man'
Spock: ' Captain, this man is not a man. Logic tells me he is an animal, and to specify Genus, he is most definately another motherfucking Shilvock'




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