

俚语 ship wrecked


The point of intoxication where ones state of mind makes them believe that they are actually in the movie pirates of the caribbean
dude i was so shipwrecked last night when someone said wheres the rum, i actually thought i was in pirates of the caribbean


Finding one's self on the toilet, finished with business and without toilet paper.
"Dude!"... "Dude?" "Dude I'm totally shipwrecked in here, man....Can you slide some napkins under the door or something?"


After a large deuce is dropped and flushed, a remaining submerged turd that is left sticking up towards your ass.
I just dropped a shipwreck. Feeling much better now.


The opposite of shipmate. A crew member who is an all round liability and as competent as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition.
Tim: "Alright John, did you do as i asked?"
John: "I forgot"
Tim: "Okay shipwreck I ll get someone else to do it"


Cocktail - variant of the Bloody Mary.

A large measure of 60% proof white Jamaican rum in a dirty glass, overfilled with tinned chopped tomatoes such that the juice runs down the outside of the glass onto the table. Stirred with index finger, spilling more of the contents.

Taste and immediately regret. Place on table and forget about for several minutes, then accidentally spill down the wall. Leave on wall for 3-5 years.
Chick: What the fuck is that on the wall?

Dude: Shipwreck.


When you take a dump so big, the shit comes out the of the water and smacks you in the back of the nuts, leaveing a nice big brown spot.
After all you can eat chili night, I had a shipwreck the size of the titanic


dank marijuana strain
100% sativa
hey man wanna smoke this Shipwreck?




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