

俚语 shi's


Used to define someone or something that is unattainably sophisticated. Uber chic, a step up.
"This restaurant is so shi-shi!"

shi shi

AKA Sheik, classy overpriced and contemporary
This place is real shi shi

Shi shi

n. Urine
v. Urinate

Pronounced "she she"
n. You're stepping on shi shi
v. Can I use the bathroom? I like make shi shi

shi shi

urine, urinating- the act of, urinated
I got sprayed with shi shi... I have to go shi shi... I just made shi shi


A different type of girl. Pretty, smart, confident, independent, and has a good insight on a lot of things. You don't really come across girls like her. Most Shi-Shi's are fit and petite. A great listener, and gives some of the best advice. She is a very friendly girl but once she is done wrong to, it can get pretty ugly. Most of her friends will be guys for girls she see as petty and defined of drama. A lot of guys would want to date her. She's open minded and very understanding. You will see she has a lot of different types of people as friends. Shi-Shi; sacred; a wonderful girl to have in your life.
Dude: Man I am the luckiest guy in the world
Friend: Why?
Dude: Dude I just met Shi-Shi.
Friend: WTF! Dude, how? Did you ask her out?
Dude: No, I got nervous! She's not like other girls you know
Friend: Oh I know! Good thing you didn't
Dude: Huh? Why?
Friend: Becuase that means I still have a chance to

Girlfriend: What's wrong?
Boyfriend: Umm, could you try to be more like Shi-Shi?


To replace the word shit without the harshness of the sound, but all the effects of the coolness.
Sounds like "shih."
Example 1: Ah shi, that sounds dope. I'll see you there.

Example 2: Shi, watchu looking at me for?

Example 3: Did you see that shi?


A Shi is very special and hard to find, they are smart and extremely pretty person. They are trustworthy and mature, but funny and "unique?"at the same time, and i don't want to sound basic, like, "this i a very beautiful and amazing person.." because i'm not basic. But it's really hard not to when it comes to a Shi. If you ever find one, you are one of the luckiest people in the world, luckier than that person who one the lottery twice. So, if you meet one, try to get to know her because its a once- in- a- lifetime thing. love you, shi! (btw she's also dum thicc)
my friend, shi, is amazing and i love her. :) bigbootaey




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