

俚语 shit cupping

shit cupping

when you hide a cup full of shit in a person's room. if you hide it good, they wont find it, and the room will smell worse and worse and worse.
I still have yet to find the cup, so Ive been sleeping on the couch all week, mother fuckers shit-cupped my room. shit cupping is fucked up.

Shit Cup

A cup of human or animal shit that you leave near a heat source that is not visable. The cup and odor are a slow brewing present to leave friends and enemies.
The weather is cold today and I have to drop a serious turd. If i leave this shit cup on the radiator under the desk, I bet the entire house will enjoy my stench tommorow.

Shit Cup

Farting and Using your hand as a cup you sneak up on someone and release the smell into their face!!
Did you see Dave shit cup Johnny he couldn't take the smell he almost threw up and passed out!!!

shit in a cup

"shit in a cup" is a noun referring to, obviously, a piece of shit in any type of cup (glass, plastic, etc.).
Guy 1: "Do you want to stop at that gas station to go to the bathroom"?

Guy 2: "Nah, I'll just take a shit in this cup"

Guy 3: "OH GROSS! Get rid of that shit in a cup!"

Who shit in a cup and made you king?

Also like what crawled up your ass and died.
Example should include the word "Who shit in a cup and made you king?"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:49:09