

俚语 shit fag


A master of disguise, the shitfag is a cigarette consituted entirely out of shit. These can be used to surprise your friends, annoy your enemies or if your trapped in Mongolia, it is indeed what everyone else is smoking.
Pat: "Oh cheers for the smoke man"
Bob: "It's my pleasure, i couldn't finish the whole pack off anyways..."
*Bob walks off*
Ben: "Dude, you just totally Shitfagged Pat. NICE!"


a shitfag is someone who likes to follow people around and aggrovate the fuck out of them and has a harsh hovering smell of pure fucking shit
dude dakotah keeps aggrovating the fuck out of me at school

yeah.. hes a total shitfag you can just look at him and tell hes a shitfag

yeah.. total shitfag

hes never gonna get laid


shitfag, one who shits out faggs
aaron is a shitfag


Is a person who sucks or is not good at online gaming. Consists of two parts a FAG who plays like SHIT. A noob.
OMG! mike you are such a shitfag, you should just uninstall.

fucktarded shitfag ala bitchface

Combination of swear words used when you're EXTREMELY pissed off, you're talking no sense.

see shitfaced cocksucker
Fucktard shitfag.
Ala, you bitchface
shit off fucktard

~Swear hacker has been banned~

You fucktarded shitfag ala bitchface. YOU DAM BAN ME




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