

俚语 shit foot


When the toilet is clogged and you plunge it down using your foot.

The origin of Shitfoot is when Aria Nafeces brought his shit stained shoe into class and smeared satanic rituals/ naruto jutsus all over the floor. He was soon taken out of the class to wash his shoe in the bathroom, which took copious amounts of times, and the poor chair was taken to maintenance.

Since the fateful shitfoot day of September 4th 2018, it is said that if you plunge your shit clogged toilet three times and say "Shitfoot No Jutsu", you will summon Shitfoot himself to your bathroom. He will then smear shit all over you.
"Have you heard of that Aditya kid? He's pretty stinky. He must have shitfoot."

"Yeah man, that shit stinks like clogged toilets, shitfoot indeed."


When your feline friend has recently concluded utilizing their sandbox abode and one or more limbs has acquired fecal matter.
Babe the Runt(Feline) is walking around the living room with “Shitfoot” again!


Greg Sabin
Stop being such a shitfoot, shitfoot.


A spectator sport - Shitfoot is a game played after stepping in a shit. 2 or more players required. Step 1) Accidentally tread in a random shit. Step 2) Loudly voice your disgust to raise attention levels of witnesses Step 3) Start deciding who, out of the laughing witnesses, will be your target. Step 4) Raise the offending shitfoot and chase your target in a hopping/running style while they freak out. Step 5) Clean and sterilize the unfortunate foot so it is ready for your next game of Shitfoot
I really enjoyed that game of Shitfoot yesterday!
The dog has instigated yet another game of shitfoot!
Shitfoot - a game the whole family can play!
Alissa and I love a good game of shitfoot!


a bitch; someone who bitches at everything and constantly has something to complain about. They never want to go any where because they are have been being lame recently and doesnt give u a ride home, even tho u live right next to them
Jon: hey is it always like this?
Nick: like wut?
Jon: are u always bitching, u shitfoot?


Puss coming out of your feet and or stinky feet
Yo , Kyle you definitely got shitfoot go take a shower shitfoot , shit I stub my toe, shit in shoe ah man I got shitfoot.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:29:28