

俚语 shitfucked

shit fucked

when things are shitty and fucked up
Our government is shit fucked!

shit fucked

where your shit gets all messed up
Person one: why are you putting your shit in a bag

Person two: so my shit doesnt get all shit fucked

shit fucked

where a guy shits and graps his shit dries it till hard when hard fingers his partner in the ass hole
gross that bitch just got shit fucked

shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck

Final frantic words before driving into a wall/skiing over a cliff etc etc
'shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck' cried james as he slammed into the back of the manure truck

This shit fucks

Probably used in a banger sentence meaning it’s bomb as fuck. Also could mean this stuff is really good.
Dude have you tried that bbq
Nah man I have not

Dude this shit fucks, it’s so good

Shits fucked

Simplifying all the details in a fucked up situation.
Mr. Giggins: "First I find out my girlfriend cheated on me, then I find out she is actually a prostitute, and then I find out my Dad is a homosexual!"

Dr. Hyphy: "shits fucked"


An expression used when just yelling "Fuck" is not enough. Also a gay sex position.
*stubs pinky toe on chair*
Oh Shit-Fuck! That hurt!




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