

俚语 shit nigga

shit nigga

When something happens unexpectedly and you believe that saying this will help cope with the situation.
Mother: 'Jimmy, come up from the basement for supper.'

Jimmy: 'Okay, mother!'

Mother: 'I've invited your high school sweetheart Big Betty too. She says she misses you a lot.'

Jimmy: 'Shit nigga.'

Shit Nigga

a term used by white australians for unhygeinic aboriginals, they are gifted with a variety of magical abilites such as stealing bikes and "shitting in the bed"
"Yo oh man nigga last night i was in bed and i tried to fart and shit went everywhere!"

"Oh AARON your such a shit nigga"

ahh shit nigga

A term you say to your homie when something bad has becometh him.
Guy 1: "Ayy bruh you smash jessica?"
Guy 2: "Nah dude she friendzoned me."
Guy 1: " Ahh shit nigga."

ain't shit nigga

A nigga that ain't about shit. A deadbeat. Will never amount to anything and has no purpose in life, at all. And this applies to all ethnicities.
"We slept together and I haven't heard from him since."

"Girl, that's because he's an ain't shit nigga! Don't worry about him... move on!"

Shit Nigga Damn

Something that impressed you.
- Dang nigga, look at that Brazilian ass
- Shit nigga damn, that's a fat ass girl

good shit nigga

when someone does something good and/or recieves something good
Person 1- I just got a new job

Person 2- good shit nigga

Gang Shit Nigga

When the squad up to some devious or crazy shit to get quick money
Yo we up to that quick gang shit nigga, fuck with us later




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:45:17