

俚语 shit on fire

Shit on fire

One who is ugly and lacks the ability to dress themselves or choose a haircut that a human being should have
Damn that bitch looks like shit on fire!?!

That shit's fire

A simple statement acknowledging next level greatness
^ One hit off that joint from Ned's stash, and four hours later I'm still buzzed
> Yeah, no kidding. That shit's fire

shit got fired up

Similar to situation when shit hits the fan however structurally different. The outcome is not a shower of shit affecting everything nearby as in the first case, but a suddenly relaxed bottleneck behind a large amount of pressurised shit. This does not affect as many objects nearby but few heavily. (exchange "shit" with "issue" or "opportunity")
A: Where's John? Long time no see. B: He's gone. Shit got fired up.

Shit Fire

Word used frequently by a sixty year old grandmother who delights in Goodwill shopping, antique shopping, BARGAINS, and gambling on penny machines -- it describes anything frustrating, amazing, eye-boggling, shocking, or totally unexpected
Well, shit fire. That jerk just ran me off the road

shit fire

Three-syllable expression of surprise used by Texans and other peckerwoods.
Shit fire! George W. Bush can write a complete sentence.

Shits Fired

A reply to say after someone says utter shit to someone else or something stupid to something else.
Friend A: "You're a scrub, you glass shard eater!"
Friend B: "Says the kid that sucks off hairy truckers for literally $3 and sleeps in a plastic bag!"
Randy the Random Guy: "SHITS FIRED!"

shit fire

when you eat too much hot sause that your shit feals like fire
man i ate to much spicy wings im gunna shit fire tonight




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:34:41