

俚语 shit onion

Shit Onion

A shit onion is a situation that the more you learn about it, the more shitty it gets.
When someone tries to explain a bad situation, and eases you into it to make it easier to swallow..its a shit onion. Layers and layers of shit, the more you hear, the worse it gets.


A problem that upon solving produces another problem and that upon solving produces another problem, etc.

A many layerd problem
Every time I have to fix frank's work, it turns into a shit-onion

onion shit

When you've wiped 10+ times and it's still leaving a trace.
Guy 1 : I've just had one of those dumps when the wiping was never ending.
Guy 2 : You mean an onion shit. It's like peeling layers off an onion.

Onion Shit Bucket

Take one large onion, cut the top off, remove core while leaving the outer skin intact. Carefully shit into the onion and then bake at 350°F for 45 minutes or until the shit is bubbly and warm. Immediately serve to your friends.
Hey guys, I baked you dinner! Enjoy a homemade Onion Shit Bucket, this one has extra corn!

Blooming Onion Shit

The process of taking a shit in which multiple pieces of shit are produced and land in the form of a blooming onion.
I just took a blooming onion shit! It really looks like a blooming onion!

Onion Shit

When the shit smells so foul that you legit start crying buttass naked ona toilet
Bro I just came back from an onion shit... Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy




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