

俚语 beened


Drugging a girl that is out of your league so you can stick ur "little Beene " inside her
Man ... Did you see Charlie??!! He got Beened last night.

been been

way back or for a long time.
Yeah I know him. We been been!

been that

Been a real one
You can’t question my loyalty I been that


A verb that reveals that information about the subect is not recent, but rather from an earlier time. Also, the word is pronounced "bin" and needs heavier emphasis. The expression sometimes does not need a subject.
Example #1:

Nas on Ether: " (Fuck Jay-Z!) You BEEN on my dick, nigga. You love my style, nigga."

^The line implies that the subject (Jay-Z) is not a recently-turned fan of Nas, but that he was a fan of Nas for a long time now.

Example #2:

Gabe: "Yo, I don't wanna go on the roller coaster. The last time I went on, I was 10 and I was crying after I got off."

Felix: "Wow. BEEN soft."

Been in there

Insinuating that she is of easy virtue
“Have you seen Rachel over there?”
“Yes! I’ve been in there!”


used before a verb to say that you have been doing that verb for a long time now

pronounced bin. The more emphasis put on it, the longer the person has been doing that verb.
Damn, you know how to ride a unicycle?

Yo I've been knowing how to ride a unicycle.


Modifies any other verb, giving it an urban twist.
(Actual dialogue)
"I thought that clubhouse burned down a few years ago."
"Naww, man, dey been refixed dat!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:41:55