The real and somewhat embarrassing name for the Shittish village of Sipoo, in Finland.
Shitpoo is a xenophobic little village with a high rate of inbreeding, like Tammisaari.
In english, Sibbo means Shitpoo, an anal retentive Shittish township located in the Finnish backwoods.
In english, Sibbo means Shitpoo, an anal retentive Shittish township located in the Finnish backwoods.
A mix breed of a shih-tzu and a poodle.
Your shih-tzu and my poodle just fucked, they're gonna have a shitpoo.
the most comfortable poo you ever had, a term of endearment
Goddamn, I love you shitpoo.
When you shit out a massive poo
I need a shitpoo, I’m going to shit out a poo